Monday, September 23, 2019

Clubs Information

Coventry Hills Clubs 2019 - 2020
Read through the clubs below with your child so that they can choose their 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices.
On the Coventry Hills Clubs handout sheet that was sent home, write the order of your child’s choices and return back to school by September 30th.
Club Name: Rhythmic Gymnastics Club Teacher(s): Mrs. Prawdzik and
For: Students grades 1-3
When: April
Where: Gym
Number of Students: 30
Description: Come on out to the Rhythmic Gymnastic club. We will do some stretching and warm-up and then enjoy learning skills with ribbons, hoops, ball, ropes and scarves.

Club Name: Snowshoeing Club
Teacher(s): Mrs. Laythorpe and Mrs.Short For: Students grades 1-3
When: To be determined.
Number of Students: 30
Description: Join us for a snowshoe around Coventry Hills school field!

Club Name: Walking Club
Teacher(s): Mrs.Dunlop, and Mrs. Stableford For: Students grades 1-3
When: October
Number of Students: 30
Description: Join us for a walk around Coventry Hills Community!

Club Name: Basketball Club Teacher(s): Mrs. Roberge and Mrs.
For: Students in grades 1-3
When: October
Where: Gym
Number of Students: 30
Description: Learn and practice Basketball skills such as passing, dribbling and shooting.

Club Name: Skipping Club Teacher(s): Ms. Izyk and Mrs.
For: Students in grades 1-3
Number of Students: 30 When: May
Where: Gym
Description: Come and enjoy some music and learn some new skipping moves! Students will learn skipping songs, games and tricks.

Club Name: Gymnastics Club Teacher(s): Mrs. Riar and Mrs. Kokesch.
For: Students in grades 1-2 When: March.
Where: Gym
Description: Students will be introduced to the basics of gymnastics and explore their skills at a variety of stations.

Club Name: Gymnastics Club Teacher(s): Mrs. Nayyar and Mrs. Fagnan
For: Students in grade 3 When: March
Where: Gym
Description: Students will be introduced to the basics of gymnastics and explore their skills at a variety of stations.

Club Name: Just Dance Club Teacher(s): Mrs. Kelly and Mrs. Lowe For: Students in grades 1-3
When: February/March
Where: Grand Hall
Description: Dancing with joyfulness! Come and dance and sing along to your favorite songs in the gym.

Club Name: Yoga Club Teacher(s): Ms. Flesch and Ms.
For: Students in grades 1-3 When: February
Where: Gym
Description: Please join us for calm, quiet relaxation. You will go on adventures using your body to create animals, plants and outdoor spaces (mountains, etc.). We will be exploring new ways to stretch and move our bodies.

Club Name: Grade 2 Choir
Teacher(s): Mrs. Bessemer and Mrs. Turner. For: Students in grades 2 who love to sing!
Where: Music Room
Description: Students will explore the voice as an instrument, singing a variety of songs to learn about tone, expression, and bringing meaning to text. The club will perform at the CHS Pink Shirt Day assembly.

Club Name: Grade 3 Choir
Teacher(s): Ms. Bessemer
For: Students in grade 3 who love to sing! When:
Where: Music Room
Description: Students will explore the voice as an instrument, singing a variety of songs to learn about tone, expression, and bringing meaning to text. The club will perform at the Volunteer Tea.
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays at lunch from January 14 to February 25.
Every Tuesday and Thursday at lunch from
April 7 - May 14.

Club Name: Badminton Club
Teacher(s): Ms. McLaughlin and Ms. Hager For: Students in grades 1-3
When: November
Where: Gym
Description: Come and join us for
some badminton fun. Learn how
use the racquet and a birdie, rally
with friends and learn the basic rules of the game.

Club Name: Games! Games! Games! Teacher(s): Mrs. Sloane and Mrs. Flynn For: Students in grades 1-3
When: January Where: Gym
Description: Students will enjoy co-operative games, being active and having fun!

Club Name: Coventry Cares Club
Teacher(s): Mrs. Verstraete, Mrs. Brady and Mrs.
For: Students in grades 1-3
When: The 1st Thursday of every month. October to June.
Where: Room 7
Description: This club will run for most of the school year as we plan to initiate and lead a number of exciting projects at Coventry Hills School throughout 2017-2018. We will be meeting on the first Thursday of each month, with additional meetings as required. Last year some of the activities this club was involved in were: Terry Fox Run, Jacket Racket, Veterans Poppy Fund, Mayor’s Food Bank and Meals on Wheels to name only a few. Club members will be generating ideas, creating posters, making announcements and organizing donations and collections. Club members will also be asked to take back important club information to share with their own classes. We would like to have 1 or 2 representatives from each class, Grades 1-3, and we look forward to welcoming back members from last year!

Club Name: Gr 3 Recorder Club
Teacher: Ms Bessemer
For: Students in Grade 3 (10-12 students)
When: Every Tues/Wed/Thurs. June 2-4 and 9-11 Where: Music Room
Club Description: Students will learn the basics of playing the recorder. This includes care & safety, how to produce a beautiful sound, and learning to play many songs! Instruments will be provided on a loan basis. We will have our club outdoors following lunch in the music room, weather permitting!

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