Friday, March 20, 2020

Keeping the Home Language Alive

Dear Grade 3 Families,

This will most likely be the last post before spring break.  I wanted to pass along a couple of extra resources from the CBE. 

Wishing you all a restful time with your families.

Mrs. Nayyar

Keeping the Home Language Alive Webinar:

Keeping the Home Language Alive Resources Google Drive Folder:

Fantastic Learning Links

Good Morning Room 16!

I have added a few online resource links to check out.  They will show up on the right-hand side of the blog.  You can try these out during spring break.  I will continue to add more so keep checking the blog😊

Sparky also wanted to say "Hi!"  He has not stolen any bread or bananas off the counter for three days!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

COVID-19 Resources for families

In the link below there are some great resources for families about COVID-19.

Update from CBE Leadership

Please see the Message From CBE Leadership

Class cancellations are unusual and challenging events.  During this short period before spring break, we encourage families to maintain a balanced and consistent routine for children; including regular sleeping and eating times, breaks for activity and outdoor time, and healthy boundaries on screen time.   

After spring break, additional learning resources and activities will be shared to support students in learning.     

Children are naturally curious learners and there are opportunities at home to engage their learning. We have created a webpage (see below) that offers a variety of educational ideas to support literacy, numeracy, and wellness at home for this week. The resources are meant as suggestions only. You may choose to use the links and activities as needed over the next few days as more long-term educational programming is considered. 

Missing all my grade 3 students from Room 16!

Dear Room 16,

I hope you are all staying safe and getting some much-needed rest at home.  I miss seeing all of your smiling faces😊.  The classroom has been very quiet, almost too quiet.  

If you do not have a chance to pick up your shoes before spring break, you can always do it afterward.  

You may want to begin a daily Journal about Covid-19.  Events like this do not happen very often, just ask your parents and grandparents!  

Some ideas you may want to include in your journal:

-How are you feeling?  Are you happy or sad to be home from school?  Are you bored?  Are you worried and if so, what are you worried about?
-What did you do today?  Did you learn something new?
-How is today, different than yesterday?
-Did you leave the house today and if so, where did you go and what did you notice?
-How are your family members feeling?

Keep reading the blog for updates! 

💜Mrs. Nayyar 

Friday, March 13, 2020

Friday March 13th

March Conferences: As per communications from the CBE, March Conferences have been cancelled. If you have not seen the communication from the CBE, you may go to this link for more information:

Math riddle for the day:  I add five to nine and get two.  The answer is correct but how?  Hint:look at the clock

No spelling assessment was given today due to the low attendance between our class and Mrs. Fagnan's class.

We spent time with our buddies today, playing with the logic puzzles in the learning commons.

We had Genius Hour in the learning commons.  Many of us made some great progress on our projects.

We had an indoor recess since it was -29 with windchill at recess time.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Thursday, March 12th


Parent Council meeting tonight has been canceled.

Parent/Teacher conferences scheduled for next week have been canceled.

We tried out some new logic puzzles in the learning commons with Ms. Fagnan's class.  They were a lot of fun.

In music, we played the drums.  We learned how to do walking, running, rain, thunder, wind, hail, and storms on the drum.

In gym, we continued with our gymnastics unit.

In math, we are learning about 3D shapes.

Spelling assessment tomorrow, please see words on previous post.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Monday, March 9th New Spelling words

We had our 4th fire drill practice this afternoon.  The entire school got out very quickly.  The fire department is reminding students to make sure they have at least 2 fire drills per year at home.

Spelling words: er and or spelling patterns



Math riddle for the day:

There are bicycles and tricycles in the backyard of a home.  In total, there are 12 wheels.  How many bicycles and tricycles are in the backyard?  How many solutions can you find?

In social studies, we practiced finding important information in an article about the land in India.  We realized how important it is to read the whole paragraph to understand what the article is saying.

Wednesday, March 11th

Wear math day is tomorrow! Wear anything that has something to do with math (jerseys with numbers, patterned shirts, pants, socks, etc.)

Today we spent a lot of time looking at how to write a good descriptive paragraph.   We also had time to work on our own paragraphs.  

We used chromebooks today and went on the website called Under the Sea, to work on reviewing our 2D shapes.  Students are also able to log onto this website at home for extra practice

In social studies, we continued to work on finding information in nonfiction articles. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Tuesday, March 10th

Penny Collection - When pennies are put in groups of 2 there is one penny left over. When they are put in groups of three, five and six there is also one penny left over. But when they are put in groups of seven there are no pennies left over. How many pennies could there be?

Dress like math day is this Thursday!

Our descriptive writing is really starting to take shape.  We can't wait for you to see our monsters at Parent/Teacher conferences next Thursday!

In math, we looked at polygons (triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, and octagons).  Ask your child how many sides, each of these 2D shapes has?

Friday, March 6, 2020

Friday March 6th

Math Riddle for Friday:  Guess my shape-I have an even number of edges.  I have an odd number of vertices.  I only have 5 faces. What am I?

Some photos from our Genius Hour today!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Thursday, March 5th

Genius hour tomorrow.  Remind your child to bring any supplies they may not have access to in the learning commons.

Math riddle for today:  I have some nickels and dimes in my pocket.  If I put 3 coins in my hand, how much money could I have? How many solutions can you find?

Spelling assessment tomorrow.



We had a lockdown practice today.  We did great, but some of us were beginning to get antsy. 

We continued to work on our animal domains in math and science.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Tuesday March 3, 2020

It's Math Month!  Every day a new math riddle will be read over the announcements.  Students will have a chance to try and solve the riddle throughout the day.

Wear Math – March 12 students and teachers are encouraged to wear math-themed clothing!  Patterned, numbered, shaped shirts, socks, pants etc. are welcome.  

Daily Math Riddle:  If the day before yesterday was Sunday, what is the day after tomorrow?

I will put in a scholastic book order tomorrow for those interested.

In literacy circles we were connectors!  Our job was to make connections to the events and characters in chapter 2.

We worked on designing the domains for our animals in The One and Only Ivan, measuring the area for each animal.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Monday, March 1st New Spelling Words

Scholastic book orders going in on Wednesday, for those interested.

Noon supervision receipts went home with some students.  Please check backpacks.

New spelling words for this week (short a,u and i vowel patterns).



In writer's workshop, we began writing a description of our monsters.  

In math, we played math games.  Ask your child to show you these games at home.

In social studies, we used the chrome books to begin our research on the four geographic regions of India.

We began literature circles today.  As a class, we are reading the book called Bat and the End of Everything by Elana K. Arnold.  Each day we will have a job to complete once Mrs. Nayyar has finished reading a chapter.  Today we were Artistic Artists. We had to draw an important scene from the chapter then write a sentence or two describing the scene.