Spelling: Today we received our first list of spelling words. These are the words we will work on for the next two weeks, both at home and at school. Students should have taken home one list of words as well as a parent letter with ways they can sort their words. Below is another set of ways that students can practice their words.
Math: We continued to work on our pattern stories. We are focusing now on adding more detail to make our stories more interesting. Patterns need to be increasing or decreasing.
Social: We learned a bit more about directions. We focused on the cardinal directions as well as intermediate directions. Students began a fun activity where they needed to follow directions to create a picture.
Weekly Word Work
Below is
a list of more possible activities you can do at home to make word work
practice more fun.
ABC Order:
write your words in alphabetical order.
Letters: Write your words by cutting out letters in old
magazines and newspapers and glue them on paper.
Words: Use a recording device and record yourself
spelling your words. Then listen carefully to make sure you spelled all the
words correctly.
In a darkened room, use a flashlight to draw letters in the air.
Get a timer. Set it for 3 minutes. See how many times you can write your words
before the timer goes off.
Have your parents scramble your spelling words. You unscramble them.
Around: Print your spelling words neatly. Take a coloured
pen and draw an outline neatly around the word, closely following the shape of
the letters. Close your eyes and remember the shape.
Write each word as many times as there are letters in the word.
Words: Use two different colour pens to write your
spelling words. Use on colour to write the consonants and the other for the
Words: Type your spelling words ten times each on the
computer. Use different colour fonts and sizes.
Snap and
Spell: Snap on each letter and clap when you say the
word at the end.
Spelling: Do jumping jacks, as you clap say a letter to
spell your words.
Write a sentence for each spelling word.
Tracing: Use your fingers to spell out each of your words
one letter at a time on your Mom or Dad’s back.
Have him/her guess the words.
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